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Euston Healthy Streets


Euston Healthy Streets

Euston Healthy Streets (EHS) is a joint project between Transport for London (TfL) and the London Borough of Camden (LBC). Its purpose is to carry out a strategic review of the streets surrounding Euston Station (Eversholt Street, Hampstead Road and Euston Road), in order to enable these streets to respond to regeneration and changing travel demands, in a way that is sustainable and meets Healthy Streets objectives .

Euston has changed over time and the major infrastructure projects that are planned and underway in the area mean that it will continue to do so. This change brings the opportunity to improve the environment in and around Euston. To ensure that there is one unifying approach to developing proposals and outcomes, recognising the level of ambition and the number of stakeholders involved in projects, LBC and TfL have developed a joint vision for the three key roads with vision statements for each of them.

The vision sets out the quality of aspirations and scope of change that is sought for the area over the next fifteen years and beyond and will act as a point of reference for designing and evaluating future interventions - ensuring that the same vision and priorities are met by LBC, TfL and other key stakeholders as we collectively work to transform the Euston area.

The vision aims to reduce traffic dominance, rebalance the needs of road users and improve air quality and collectively aim to break down the physical and psychological barriers that these issues create between communities. It has been created while considering the impact on the local road network to create a healthier, and more attractive place to live, work, play and do business in the future. The content has been shaped by research and understanding of existing context, through stakeholder engagement and underpinned by key policy documents.

The Vision represents the first stage to deliver a Healthy Streets outcome on the streets around Euston. This is the first step and the community, businesses and other stakeholders will be consulted throughout the process. The delivery of this project will align with the timescales of delivery of HS2 in Euston with numerous opportunities to feedback as the designs progress.

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Euston Healthy Streets Vision
Euston Healthy Streets Vision
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