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Regent’s Park Area Safe and Healthy Streets - Engagement Update


Regent’s Park Area Safe and Healthy Streets - Engagement Update

Engagement to date

Over the last two years, Camden carried out engagement with residents in the Regent’s Park Area on transport and public realm issues. This work will be published as a report in Spring 2024.

Review of engagement findings

Following this, Camden will review the suggested transport and public realm design recommendations presented in this report. This includes design recommendations for Robert Street, Stanhope Street, Osnaburgh Street, Albany Street and Augustus Street, which residents identified as priority areas, as well as general recommendations for the wider Regent’s Park Area.

Design recommendations will be shown on a map and as sketches.

The Council will also review design recommendations put forward by young people participating in the Young Urban Designers Programme. This programme is currently being delivered in the Regent’s Park Area by Fitzrovia Youth in Action and Sustrans and is due to finish in April 2024.

How will Camden decide what changes to make?

Camden will review the practicability of the different design solutions. This includes how designs might impact traffic, road safety, air pollution and the area’s sense of place. The Council will also evaluate feedback from residents, the cost of making changes and how they align with the Council’s transport policies.

Once these factors have been considered, the Council will make a decision on which schemes it will take forward. Camden will aim to develop a list of these changes within one year. At this point, the Council would draw up formal designs and consult on them publicly.

How will Camden fund the changes?

The Council will fund the design and construction of improvements through the £2.4m Camden secured from HS2’s Road Safety Fund. If the need arises, Camden may also explore whether funding can be obtained from additional sources to support the delivery of schemes in the area.

When will we see improvements?

It is likely that the Council would be able to start delivering schemes proposed during this engagement phase within 18 months of the publication of the engagement report (Spring 2024).

The final project designs will depend on which recommendations are practical and feedback on designs during public consultation.

It is likely that projects would be delivered in stages and that not all improvements would be complete within 18 months. Residents would be informed of any proposed changes and associated construction in advance.